• We want to give you all the confidence, this inspiration has been weaving for a long time,

    every good idea takes time to mature into a beautiful creation,

    here you can find letters of support for our work.

    Thank you for trusting from your heart and being a beautiful guardian of life.

    We will continue to upload more legal certifications.



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    At the verbal request of the interested party, I certify that Mr. Mallku Yerpun Solar Pezoa Rojas, founder of the Amazanga Center more than a decade ago, together with the Administration of the Llanganates National Park - Directorate of Protected Areas and Other Forms of Conservation of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition, we have been carrying out conservation work in the buffer zone of the Llanganates National Park together with the community of San Pablo, Talag parish, Tena canton, Napo province.

    The interested party may make use of this document as he/she sees fit.

    Napo, March 23rd, 2023. Sincerely yours.

    Ing. Edwin Gonzalo Machado Barrera


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    Certification pedagogie 3000,4000,5000

    by Noemi Paymal



    To whom it concerns


    I am Noemi Paymal founder of PEDAGOOOGIA 3000, which represents a synergy and worldwide pedagogical invitation to co-create an Integral Education, pleasant, human, loving, multicultural, of Peace, of respect, that attends to the real needs of the children of today and tomorrow, of the new society and of our Planet Earth.


    A few years ago, I met the Amazanga Center, run by its founder Mallku Yerpun Solar P and his entire family of the Kishwa nation, trained as teachers in Pedagooogia 3000, which reinforced the dream of creating the integral school of the 7 Petals for the children of the native communities of the sector in the vicinity of the Llanganates National Park in Ecuador.


    The vision and mission of the Amazanga Center and its representatives is in coherence with the meaning of the Pedagogy 3000 and the school of the 7 Petals. Thus, the School of the 7 Petals unites with harmony the previous pedagogical currents and the most innovative ones, to create a true Education of the human being, which gives light to a deep Culture of Peace, real and sustainable.


    In the 7P School, the active participation and protagonism of children and young people is essential. The renewed and articulated contents become real projects, interesting and useful for life. Children learn by doing, choosing, assuming with freedom and responsibility their own personal development, in order to create a more harmonious life, faithful to themselves.

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    Certification pedagogie 3000,4000,5000

    by Noemi Paymal

    I know that currently Centro Amazanga created the platform union-of-hearts.org where we are committed to the co-creation of a life of peace culture and carry out the creation of projects in this direction, within this, there is the 7P school and expand this integral pedagogical system within the local communities.


    In gratitude we certify and support this important mission.









    Noemi Paymal
